Sept 2024 - UOB Top-up Program Nominees - Please Review and Respond (Update - 21/08/2024)

Sept 2024 - UOB Top-up Program Nominees - Please Review and Respond (Update - 21/08/2024)

by Lasitha Nanayakkara -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,


Please find the updated nomination list of students who are eligible for the Top Up Program as of August 21st, 2024


This list is compiled based on the examination sat students as of August 11th, 2024, except for Y1S1 Repeat/Prorata students who are currently undertaking their examinations.


If your name is not included in the attached document, it is likely that you have outstanding modules to complete. Alternatively, if you have already completed the required modules and are awaiting results, please kindly provide your details in the specified format.


Please be advised that you are required to submit your details by 12:00 midnight today, August 21st, 2024. This will enable us to update our records and ensure that all eligible students are considered for the program.


Form :


We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to receiving your response.


Best regards,

Student Services Department