Important Notice : Repeat / Prorata - Registration Status ( Due on 28th Feb 2025)

Important Notice : Repeat / Prorata - Registration Status ( Due on 28th Feb 2025)

by Lasitha Nanayakkara -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

Please find the attached list of those who submitted the information for the Repeat/Prorata Registration for the below-mentioned programs which ended Yesterday, 28th of Feb 2025.

  • Curtin Foundation – Semester 01 (FCIT / FCBM/FCEE)

Check your details are indicated properly in the PDF document based on your confirmation.

If your details are not there, you must complete this form and submit your information properly. (Click the Link)

If your payment slip status is mentioned as ‘’No Attachment Found - Required to Send the Slip to’’, you need to send it on or before noon on the 03rd of March 2025.

Special Note: All the payment slips are currently on the verification process and will take more time to proceed with the payment if there is any discrepancy identified, we will notify you prior.

After the above-mentioned deadline, no amendment will be accepted for the above programs.

Any Clarification, please call Mr. Lasitha on 0777636067.

Thank you in advance !