Y1S1 - Examination Eligible List (Not Available in the Initial List)

Y1S1 - Examination Eligible List (Not Available in the Initial List)

by Lasitha Nanayakkara -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Valued Student,


Please find the list of students identified who have not been mentioned in the initial Examination eligibility list shared with you all for the HD - Y1S1 - IT Examination for the below 3 modules.


  • ·        Data Communications and Computer Networks – I (IT1106)
  • ·        Introduction to Programming (IT1103)
  • ·        Business English & Communication Skills (IT1104)


Still, if your SA Number is unavailable, kindly fill out the given form on or before 05.00 pm Today (07th of August 2024) with the proper details.


Form: https://forms.office.com/r/Q8QhgbdKtd


Thank you in advance!