Message to SLIIT Students

Message to SLIIT Students

by Administrator VLE -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

SLIIT Academy is fully committed to ensure a healthy and safe working environment for all members of its community. As you know, there is growing concern at the national and global levels about the spread of COVID-19 virus. SLIIT Academy is monitoring the evolving situation and facts daily and will fully comply with government advice on this matter.

Following a review of the current country situation and steps taken by the education sector to control the spread of the virus, SLIIT Academy has decided to implement the following precautionary measures and guidelines to support Sri Lanka's efforts to control the current health situation. 

All classes and examinations will be cancelled starting tomorrow (14/3/2020) for 2 weeks. All centers will be out of bounds for students during this period.

  • Lectures will be delivered online during the period of closure and the details will be posted on CourseWeb. Please check CourseWeb on a regular basis. Alternative arrangements are also under development for mid-term exams scheduled during the next 2 weeks. Academic staff responsible for courses will decide the most optimal way of online delivery to best support students. Comprehensive information will be provided within the next few days including the details related to web access to lectures, course materials, mid-term arrangements and academic and technical support for online delivery. Please contact us at if you have any questions.
  • All SLIIT Academy sponsored events including student events to be held at SLIIT Academy or at outside locations are cancelled with immediate effect until further notice. 
  • We request all students to follow good health practices as described in the attachment  to protect yourself and minimize transmission of COVID-19 to help our country to successfully manage the current situation.   
  • Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 (see attachment) should  immediately go to a government hospital for diagnosis. Please immediately inform the Head Administration/Head Academic and let us know whether you are hospitalized or in self-isolation elsewhere. 
  • If a person living in your household has symptoms, please contact the nearest government hospital and strictly follow their advice. Please inform SLIIT Academy immediately. 
  • As responsible citizens, students are encouraged to reduce gatherings and abstain from sharing food and drinks during this critical time to minimize chances of infection. 
  • Any student traveling overseas during this critical period is kindly requested to inform SLIIT Academy and strictly follow the measures in place at the time of return at BIA for incoming passengers.

As always, we are open to listen to the concerns and suggestions of our students. Please contact us at or 011 754 3607. We very much appreciate your full cooperation.

Student Affairs Division

SLIIT Academy