Guidance to Safe Exam Browser Quiz Attemping

Guidance to Safe Exam Browser Quiz Attemping

by Administrator VLE -
Number of replies: 0

Please follow the below Steps to Successfully attempt a Quiz:

Step 1: Click the Quiz Link and Select "Launch Safe Exam Browser" (please refer below video Tutorial)

Step 2: After Completing the Quiz, Click the Option "Submit All and Finish"

Step 3: After Submitting, to exit the Safe Exam Browser Click the Option "Exit Safe Exam Browser" in the Webpage

Important: You Need to DISABLE any Antivirus Software before using the Safe Exam Browser, Otherwise you will not be able to initiate the session.

Note: You DO NOT require to enter a quit Password to click "Exit Safe Exam Browser" and you CANNOT EXIT the browser once you launch the Safe Exam Browser by clicking the Quiz Link.

If you require to test the Safe Exam Browser Environment, please access the below link and attempt the Test Quiz